Benefit Scheme

Fact Sheet – Long Term Care Insurance Scheme for Guernsey and Alderney


The scheme, approved by the States, was implemented in January 2003, is broadly similar to the specialist health insurance scheme, with compulsory contributions payable by the employed, self employed and non employed, including people over 65. It is intended to replace former unsatisfactory means tested systems.


The principle behind the scheme is that people should not be forced to sell the family home to pay for long term residential or nursing care but where possible people should make a standard contribution towards their fees.


Benefit from the scheme would be payable to people accommodated in private sector residential and nursing homes.


Eligibility for the benefit would be based on a residency test being a minimum of 5 years residence in Guernsey or Alderney at any time and a minimum of twelve months residency immediately before benefit income becomes payable.


Eligibility for the benefit would also depend upon an assessment of care needs by a Needs Assessment Panel from the Health and Social Care.


A minimum standard co-payment, £209.37 per week, will be payable by all residents and patients in private and public sector long term residential or nursing care facilities.


Those unable to meet the co-payment and still keep an additional specified amount as their personal allowance would be able to claim supplementary benefit whether in private or public sector accommodation. In short there will be a level playing field.


Beyond the co-payment by the individual a long term care benefit of £463.89 per week, would be payable from the Insurance Scheme to residents in private sector residential homes and £866.11 per week in private sector nursing homes. Should the benefit not meet the Home’s fee tariff this may be topped up by third parties.


Existing standard charges at Health and Social Care, Housing Authority for long term nursing and residential beds would be replaced by the single standard co-payment at the same level as to those people in private sector homes.


The Insurance scheme is intended to pay a substantial part of fees. However there is no statutory obligation upon the States to provide any particular number of beds and compensation will not be payable in the event of a bed not being available.